Animals travel tricks? ?It’s no secret, cats hate traveling as much as they hate baths. These little fur balls are not as clingy as most pets. If anything, they really value their independence. Take for instance my kitty Zeddy, she will run about all day only to creep up on me in the middle of the night when I’m dead asleep and incapable of “hanging out” (so ungrateful!). But that’s a story for another day, the big question is, what do you do when you want to travel with your cat? ??Simple, don’t! Well, unless it’s the only option you have left. For instance, when you are gone for long and have no one to watch over or at least feed your cat. Perhaps for the sake of something routine and important like a visit to the vet. In this case, travel you must, and trust me, your kitty won’t like it one bit. This is especially the case if it is her first time traveling.
You may be wondering how you can transport your cat in the car without stress. While cat sedative for travelling in car is certainly an answer, they should definitely be a last resort. Yes, cats will get anxious and stressed when in the car, and you will see this by them meowing, panting a lot, and being generally ill at ease. If you have an especially psychotic cat, sedation may be your only option. But there are other ways you can make your car trip with your cat less frightening without using sedatives. Before drugging your cat, I suggest trying one of these methods.
My name is Lucas and I have 2 ragdoll cats. 1st, there is Grandma Cat (GC) and she is 24 years old. Second is Maya and she turns 14 this year. Both are Seal point (well maybe mitted) Ragdolls, and as you might expect have their fair share of personality. I quite like cats and this site is all about living and travelling with ragdoll cats. Hope you enjoy the site and feel free to contact me. If you are looking for pet travel articles you can find even more details at
A soft sided carrier is going to be made from either nylon or ballistic nylon. The carrier will be lightweight and are usually pretty easy to carry, even with the cat in tow. There are a few things that you’ll want to keep in mind if you decide to go the soft carrier route: These carriers are very popular for travel but they are best suited for cats who travel well and remain calm. For the second measurement, you will want to measure the top of their head (when standing) to the floor. After you found this measurement, you will want to add four inches. This will be the height of the carrier.
When your cat is ready, the next step is to get the car running. It’s difficult if you’re going to be the driver as well. The cat might react violently when the motor starts and there would be no one to comfort him. Have someone else drive, or stay with the cat in the back seat if you’re driving. As you make progress, you can start placing the carrier in your car with the cat inside. You can time this exercise during the cat’s feeding times to help establish a positive association with car visits. The Spruce defines this process as desensitization using classical conditioning. Take short trips first, maybe around the block, and eventually longer ones and see how the cat reacts. You or the person in the back seat may give him treats and praise to ensure that the rides are a positive experience. If he shows signs of stress, you might slow down the process a little. Always let him out of the car at the end of each trip. Discover extra info on